((Forth Wanderers)) Band Profile and Upcoming SXSW Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Forth Wanderers

Written by Patrick McNamara
Montclair, New Jersey's Forth Wanderers is a young band (high school/college currently but tomorrow, the world) that plays shimmering laid-back indie pop that totally twinkles and chills. I really like it and if I know anything about you (and, let's face it, I think I do) I think you might like it too.
The band of five (Ava Trilling on vocals - Ben Guterl on guitar - Zach Lorelli on Drums - Duke Greene on guitar - Noah Schifrin on bass) recently self-released their debut album “Tough Love" (it follows a lovely three song EP). It's eight songs, they're all good, and the entire pleasant listening experience clocks in at somewhere around twenty three minutes (I eyeballed it). You have twenty three minutes to spare for goodness, don't you? Of course you do. You can stream the whole thing below but if you're still not quite sure, there's more….
As of this writing, Forth Wanderers are set to play a show with Alex G and Ronald Paris of Porches (they're both good, but you already know that) and I hope this super specific soon-to-be-outdated information gives you further reason to like this band because we are the show friends we keep. Even though my recommendation alone should be enough by this point, right? We're old friends. We go way back. Haven't we built up some trust currency by now?
Fine, if my liking this band or the fact that they're playing with other good bands is not enough reasons for you to give Forth Wanderers a goddamn chance, I hear Lorde likes them too. But honestly, Lorde + Oh My Rockness = same level, basically.
Whatever gets you to press play, man.
(P.S. this band should really tour with Courtney Barnett sometimes because that would be a really good stage pairing and also I should really mind my own business)