((Libby Quinn)) Band Profile and Upcoming SXSW Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Libby Quinn

Written by Patrick McNamara
Libby Quinn is a math-y experimental post ___ punk band from Long Island.
Please note: they rule.
You'll be hearing more about this engagingly explosive five-piece collective in the near future so you might as well get into their heavy atonal goodness in the glorious present.
Start by blasting a couple of their standout debut jams below (come for the riffs, stay for the sax).
And then....you know what to do....go see them play!
RIYL: Les Savy Fav * Don Caballero * Q and Not U * Brainiac *
The Players:
Josh Boucicaut (vocals + sax) / Tyler Baron (guitar) / Stephen Salerno (drums) / Mario Hoi (bass) / Tim Matishek (guitar + piano)
Published October 21, 2023