((Michael Cera Palin)) Band Profile and Upcoming SXSW Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Michael Cera Palin

Written by Patrick McNamara
Michael Cera Palin is a real good emo band from Atlanta.
They've been rocking their poppy math-y melodies since circa 2015 A.D. and if you missed them, no worries, posted below is the perfect album to listen to and get all caught up.
Come for the Sheryl Crow cover. Stay for the other ten v. solid jams.
(p.s. they should totally tour with Tammany Michael Hall sometime)
RIYL: Modern Baseball * I Love Your Lifestyle * Free Throw * Mom Jeans * Charmer * Tiny Moving Parts *
The Players:
Elliott Brabant / Jon Williams / Jon Buncic
Published December 4, 2021