((Occult X)) Band Profile and Upcoming SXSW Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Occult X

Written by Patrick McNamara
Occult X is a dream punk band/person from Nashville.
I stumbled upon this goodness when their music started playing from my speakers. I was really busy at the time but do you know what I did, dear Rocknesser? I dropped everything just so I could look at my screen and find out who I was listening to. My screen said "Occult X" and I happily filed it away for future listens. And then some more minutes and songs passed by some more artists and then another unfamiliar song slid through my speakers and I dropped everything again to find out who was making such a catchy kickass jam this time. Guess who my screen told me was playing the second time?
Occult. X.
You can listen to some of their jams (I've since learned that they have several sparkling gems) below as you recover from reading such an exciting personal story.
I don't know if they're playing shows soon or what, but if they do, I'll be there.