((Withershins)) Band Profile and Upcoming SXSW Concerts - Oh My Rockness

Written by Patrick McNamara

Withershins are a band of five (that’s Isaac up front shrieking on the vocals and slaying on the guitar - but Bryce’s guitar over there certainly contributes heavily to this full crunchy sound - Luke is hidden behind the kit and does good things with it - and Colin, well, he just does a whole mess of stuff involving percussion and strings and keys - yet would this band even be possible without Neil’s bass? - I think not).

These five gentlemen are from Champaign, IL - home to such lovely legendary crunchy bands like Hum (“Green to Me” is one of my favorite songs of all time) and the Poster Children (criminally overlooked - if you don’t know them you should be in prison) and Braid (they are reunited and sorta sound like Shudder to Think now). I could go on. Because I went to U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. And I think I know what I am talking about. But I won’t. Because I transferred. In the ‘90s. :(

As per my previous two paragraphs, if you like crunchy bands, Withershins just might be your new favorite. Sure. They’ve got the heft. But they also have the pretty melodies, man. Sometimes it shreds. Sometimes it swirls. Sometimes it goes math. Sometimes it hits back.

Withershins have a new album coming out in August. It’s called “Mt. Fuji in Blue.” Stream the whole thing below. I really like it. And think you will like it too.

Also. If you happen to be in Champaign in September for this year’s (it's 2014 - for the benefit of all the Rockness readers of the future) Pygmalion Festival, you can see Withershins play it with bands like American Football + Real Estate + Panda Bear + well, just too damn many more. So that's something.

(and if you go - please pay no attention that Champaign sometimes smells like cow poop - it’s a great town that births great bands.)

Published July 7, 2014



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